Our work is our lifestyle, and our home is on-site

BeyondSite is a long-standing event family turned event staffing leadership company in 2022, rooted in the belief that everyone deserves an incredible event experience.

Who we are

We’re a collective group of tenaciously-passionate, principle-based, and community-centric event professionals on a continuous mission to inspire positivity and purpose through our craft. We’re bold, quirky, compassionate, unorthodox, and some would even say a bit psychedelic for how our work manifests into magic.

Abstract illustration representing who we are

Staffing as an art form

We treat staffing as an art form, where the event experience flows through our people, process, and principles.

Polaroid-style photo of the two team members at the Cisco LIVE event

Having spent a decade working in the infinite environments of live events and experiential marketing — and meeting people from all walks of life — we’ve remained true to our north star and ambitions of displacing the toxic term and mentality of “temp staffing”. Being in this people business, we find the event experience starts with how we treat the spokespeople selected to represent your event brand. We commit our loyalty to the people, and act in accordance with what’s required for the greatest good.

The result? A novel and engaging event experience with lasting effects for you, your attendees, and everyone involved.

What we call the ripple effect.

At BeyondSite we believe in

While our speciality is big-production events, we’re in the business of serving up goosebumps with any event partners that align with our purpose and values.


We use the word “experiences” in a way that is expansive. To simply hold an event is limiting of its true potential. We seek out novelty in everything we touch.


Driven by people and relationships, we value culture, diversity, and individuality. We prioritize health and wellness in a way that creates social impact, and we view events as a vessel for positivity, inspiration, and healing. We are much more than “hired temps”—we are Event Ambassadors.


We often challenge the status quo, look for the deeper meaning in all we do, and recognize the importance of every individual’s role in our collective purpose. We refuse to believe our work is temporary, and understand the long-term effect of powerful experiences and brand impressions.


We ask questions to evoke thoughtfulness but also to provoke creativity. We are experts in our field, but remain obsessively-curious with exploring, creating, and understanding.


In the fast-paced, ever-changing environment of live events, we find ways to ground ourselves in the present and enjoy the “moments” — the little ones often being the most meaningful. Hidden in our name is “be on-site”, which is our pledge to slow down and just be (or exist) with our work and community.


What makes or breaks an event often comes down to communication. We build trust by being completely transparent and over-communicative, ensuring everyone is sharing the same vision and intention throughout all phases of the event.


What we consider the soul of our craft, we understand that an event vision is nothing without flawless execution. We crave being on-site, and live by the motto “you’re only as good as your last event”.


We acknowledge our ultimate responsibility of preserving our planet, and understand the environmental effect of our decisions. We minimize our footprint with a conscious effort in everything we touch, and align best with clients who share this same sense of accountability.

Let’s connect

Go beyond