The art of
event staffing

A flawlessly executed staffing plan takes a hell of a lot more skill than just being a people-person and filling a roster. It requires institutional industry knowledge, on-site event acumen, and a whole lot of grace.

Bridging execution gaps

While there is no shortage of talented event producers and staffing agencies in our industry, perspective and competency from both worlds is an incredibly rare find, which tends to result in an execution gap when getting on-site.

BeyondSite is that bridge between production and staffing, co-existing with producers and agencies.

Service categories

Full-service staffing

As your staffing leadership partner throughout all phases of your event, we facilitate the entire staffing fulfillment process while providing consultative guidance related to your event budget, purpose, and desired talent caliber. With on-site execution being the soul of our craft, we take pride in delivering an incredibly passionate on-site leadership team that brings everything to fruition and inspires you to invite us back year after year.

Alleviating you from the nightmares of sourcing, we’re positioned as a bridge to our trusted national staffing provider(s), with the ability to support any staffing level without the impact of quality attrition.

  • Project Management
  • Staffing Fulfillment
  • On-Site Leadership
  • On-Site Training
Abstract illustration representing Full-service staffing

Manager extension services

As an engrained extension of your project management team, tap us for individual managers to oversee and support designated workstreams and zones related to your event blueprint.

Whether you’re shorthanded internally, want to explore budget savings by combining roles, or simply need an added layer of management, this service brings greater purpose-driven leadership and cohesion to any and all phases of your program (pre-event, on-site, and post-event), while allowing you to stay lean with your internal team.

  • Workstream Management (all phases)
  • Zone Management (on-site)
Abstract illustration representing Manager extension services

Staffing program design

A full-scope staffing program designed for your single event or event series, where we identify, articulate, plan, and execute your vision of a novel attendee experience through the art of human engagement.

Your attendee journey is our core focus throughout the entire process, as we transform your vision into a strategic staffing program to deliver an intentional, purposeful experience at every attendee touch point.

  • Vision Discovery
  • Budget Management
  • Program Buildout
  • Staffing Levels Allotment
  • Procurement & Fulfillment
  • Site Visits & Walkthroughs
  • On-Site Execution
  • Post Event Analysis
Abstract illustration representing Staffing program design

Transform your attendee & staffing experience

Staffing should never be an afterthought. No matter where you’re at in the process, let’s connect and reimagine your attendee experience.